phone-sex can be so immersive

10 Tips to get in the mood during phone sex

phone-sex can be so immersive

It can be difficult when a couple is separated from each other – for example, when the man has to go on a business trip. Here, phone sex can work wonders so that you can experience an intimate feeling of togetherness during the time when you are not together. However, it is not enough to just pick up the phone and start because phone eroticism takes place largely in the mind and so that works you should be a little creative. Therefore, we want to give you today a few tips for the hand so that it works (even better) during phone sex.

1) Be spontaneous !

Appointments for phone sex are usually already characterized by a certain expectation and this can lead to the fact that one has rather the inner attitude “a task” to do. It is better to say “I would now like to you” in an innocuous phone call. Surprise him/her with it! Tell about how great your desire is now to be with your partner and to feel him/her, the lips on your skin, the hot breath in your neck or the hands that gently massage the buttocks – there are no limits to the imagination. However, you should not immediately go “into the full”. Save the massage  of the breasts or the penis for later.

2) Feel sexy !

Even though your partner won’t see it – dress sexy. When you feel sexy it will be heard in your voice and your inner mood will radiate that certain  sexual attraction. You can achieve this by dressing sexy even if your partner does not see you, it will be noticeable in your voice and mood. Other possibilities would be to make the call while you are taking a nice bubble bath or you are just creaming yourself.

3) Say what you are doing !

Since a lot of phone sex happens in the head, you can heat up the imagination of your conversation partner by telling what you are doing with your hands or where you would like to feel the lips of your partner. Here you can go into detail – tell her how you suck on her nipples or lick his penis like a delicious lollipop – here too there are no limits to your imagination. In the later course you can then also describe exactly what you are doing with your sex toy – you can be sure that this will not miss its effect.

4) Don’t be too rough at the beginning !

The mood during phone sex should be built up rather slowly – avoid saying something like “I’d like to fuck you now” or “I’d like to be fucked by you now” right at the beginning of the conversation – this does not build up a mood ! Rather, you should build up a “suspense” and you can’t do that by going straight into the full.Besides, you bring variety in by always using different words like “fuck“. There are many different terms for almost every erotic act – use them !

5) Stay yourself !

Always remember that your partner knows you well – pretending too much here can create a feeling of alienation. Of course, you can now and then intersperse a role play but on the whole, you should give yourself exactly as you are because after all, your partner has fallen in love with exactly this person. This of course also applies to your preferences – practicing anal sex on the phone even though you don’t like it at all just sounds wrong and is not very credible. The more authentic the actions described by you are the more genuine this also comes to the partner.

6) Use sex toys !

Fernsteuerbare Sextoys von LovenseIf your partner describes to you how to penetrate you with his best piece then use a dildo or vibrator. Because here your fantasy is supported by a real stimulation and brings you up to speed. Your moaning will also  make the partner at the other end of the line hot – and also here the mood in which you are just projected on your voice and one hears your deep excitement.

7) Find the right voice pitch !

Often you try to sound particularly sexy and the result usually sounds rather strange. But you should not sound “as usual” either. Speak a little slower and also insert small pauses to build up more tension can already be enough here – who tries to sound like a porn star sounds rather embarrassing. But this can and will change in the course of conversation, because from the beginning to the end you are not immediately excited – if you go in the direction of the climax, it may be more violent without it sounds “funny”.

8) Show your mood through sounds !

Sex on the phone lives mainly through sounds and  it is difficult to excite the interlocutor if you are silent. If there is nothing to say right now, sounds such as heavier  breathing, a small sigh or a careful moan will help here to convey your current state of achievement to your partner. Even the sound of a vibrator helps work wonders

9) Create the right atmosphere !

Make sure that you have your peace and you can completely relax for the time of telephone eroticism. This is of course difficult if, for example, the NAchwuchs in the household is still lively. Wait until the little ones are asleep, then you can give yourself to the sex on the phone uninhibited. In general, the ambience should fit, dim light and a comfortable room temperature contribute to the general mood because, after all, it should not be cold when you are naked in bed or on the sofa. A glass of wine or champagne can also contribute to the situation is somewhat disinhibited – just look for things that are most comfortable for you.

10) Have fun !

Also during phone sex it can come to funny or even strange situations – here already a slip of the tongue can provide for a laugh. Here you should learn to laugh at yourself and there is hardly an “embarrassing” situation that can not be cleared up with humor. In general, laughing together is a real turn-on – so approach the matter with humor because laughing together creates a deeper sense of togetherness.

We hope that we could give you with this article a few suggestions for better phone sex and wish you much pleasure for the next hot number on the phone.

Finally, a tip for the more advanced: nude selfies or small erotic videos that you can send via messenger like WhatsApp are again an extra kick “on top” and also remote-controllable sex toys like the vibrators from Lovense can be a real enrichment and increase the intimacy. But be careful not to send the sexy pics/videos to the wrong contact!


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Header image, HotChirly on, unchanged.

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